start up pizzerie

Pizzerias Start-Up

Would you like to open a Pizzeria and need help getting started? Roberto Di Massa supports you, from the early stages of creation of the company, developing a custom Start Up plan for your place. From the choice of suppliers and equipment, from raw materials to personnel training, to the marketing of your place, the Start-Up regards every aspect of your Pizzeria.

A Pizzeria is not simply the place where to produce and sell pizzas, a well organized structure with functional spaces, a rich and suitable menu, analysis of raw materials, marketing, planning of objectives, a place suitable for your personality, choice of equipment and training, are only part of the overall success.

consulenza pizzerie

Pizzerias consulting

If you are looking for advice for your Pizzeria, just submit an application form, you will receive help to improve your business.
Minimize errors and increase revenue potential thanks to a better presentation and, especially, a better quality of the product offered to your customers.

Associate and member of "Albo Pizzaioli Veraci" (Register of Real Pizza Chefs) of "Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana" (Association Real Neapolitan Pizza).
Active consultations at facilities and customers of OEM group gruppo ALI..
Collaborations with mills and companies in the food sector in Italy and abroad.
Project initiator for "Piazza della Pizza" in 2011 to "Cheese" in Bra organized by Slow food.

formazione pizzaioli

Pizzaioli training

Training of a Pizzaiolo (Pizza Chef) unequivocally determines the quality of the final product.
Learn the secrets of a "Vera Pizza Napoletana" (Real Neapolitan Pizza), make your own Pizzeria unique and rare with an above average Pizza.
From the secrets of the dough and rising, the preparation of the dough ball and the choice of ingredients to the baking in the oven, we'll give you the tools to become a great Pizzaiolo.

Collaboration with "Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana" - pizza chef training courses on "Vera Pizza Napoletana", dissemination and correct information.
Founding tenant of the school "Pizza System Institute" of the OEM Ali Group.
Trainer for SPC Korea in Project Pizzeria in Seoul.

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